Thursday, March 26th, 2015
Sometimes life just hurts.
Suffering is a part of the human experience; a part we don’t enjoy or understand. Pain and death are inescapable for all.
Many of us fall into a trap when confronted with suffering. We ask, “why?” instead of “what now?”
When life hurts, we can take comfort that Jesus shared in our pain. He left His place in paradise to become for us the sacrificial lamb that would redeem us from brokenness – forever. We can also remember that we can be Christ’s comfort to those who suffer alongside us.
Poverty, like suffering, is universal. Since the fall of mankind, we have all been struggling toward wholeness. We are broken vessels, but we’re broken together. What joy there is to share custom essays online in the sufferings of one another! What abundant grace is there in relationships that enter into each other’s pain!
At M-POWER, our students, patients, and volunteers are a part of a community of encouragement that suffers alongside one another. In classrooms, hallways and exam rooms, we seek to be a place that gives hope and strength to the weary.
We are all broken, yes. But we are not alone.