What We Do
Why Are We Here


Martyred missionary Jim Elliot wrote in his journal, “Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” We have every opportunity to disengage from our present reality, though. Phones, television and the internet give us portals into other worlds. But with greater access to other worlds, we have become more disconnected and isolated from our own.

We must recognize that place matters. That people around us, literally those sitting and walking near us, matter. That God has called us to the place where we are. That you, me, we – are here. And we must make a conscious decision to “be all there.” What this looks like will vary from person to person, but one step we can take is to acknowledge those who are here with us. To acknowledge the needs of our neighbors. To venture to know those God has placed in our midst.

It’s easy to close our eyes to the brokenness around us. To be present in our community’s suffering is painful. But we are here. And we have the opportunity to let our presence create change.

M-POWER is here. We have been for some time now, and we strive to live out the words of Jim Elliot in our daily work with those in poverty. M-POWER operates unique education and health programs to help adults develop the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty. We do this because we envision a community where all people have enough.

We know there are many ways you can be the presence of Christ to your neighbor, and we thank you for trusting us to partner with you in this calling.

M-POWER Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 organization and all gifts are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.

Your generous gifts allow M-POWER to provide extraordinary opportunities for people to break the cycle of poverty, to care for the sick, to teach people to read, and to help men and women build a more hopeful future.

You can make an online contribution to M-POWER right now using our secure form and your credit card, or mail your check to M-POWER Ministries,  PO Box 2314, Birmingham, AL 35201.

Other Ways to Give:

  • Cash Donation
  • Employee Matching Gift
  • Stock Donation
  • Life Insurance Donation
  • Will/Bequest
  • In-Kind Donation

Cash Donation

A gift of cash can be in the form of personal check, credit card, cash, or cashier’s check. You may also make monthly contributions using an automatic payment system (ACH), through your bank. Monthly donations allow M-POWER to plan more wisely with our spending, and it gives you the opportunity to spread your annual contribution over twelve months with automatic monthly transfers from your bank directly to M-POWER Ministries.

Employee Matching Gift

Many times, employers will match your charitable gift to your nonprofit of choice through their charitable gift program. Remember to ask your employer if he/she has a “matching charitable gift” program.

Stock Donation

M-POWER is equipped to accept gifts of stock, bonds, or other assets through a will or trust. Contact us for more information.

Life Insurance Donation

A gift of life insurance can provide the gift of opportunity for future M-POWER clients. Check with your insurance agent for details.


An up-to-date will can transfer your assets to the appropriate beneficiaries, help minimize the amount of federal estate tax assessed at the time of death, and assist the future of M-POWER Ministries and our clients. Check with your attorney for details, and please let us know if you decide to include us as a beneficiary so we can say thank you.

In-Kind Donation

M-POWER also accepts gifts of goods or services from the community. Please contact M-POWER Ministries for instructions and details for acceptance of an in-kind gift.

All gifts are subject to M-POWER’s Gift Acceptance Policy and in some cases may require approval from the Board of Directors. For more information, contact Maura-Ellen Bryan, Head of Operations, at meb@mpowerministries.org or 205.582-1475.